Saturday, January 12, 2008

OJ Simpson: The Media's Money Maker

As someone who has spent his life in the media, I've reached the point of literally and almost figuratively throwing up every time I see this killer on the news.
Today the latest "perp walk" from car to jail and another babbling news anchor who repeasts the same haggard material over and over again. Then the experts comment, then the bubble headed bleach blond comments (extra points if you caught the reference), then more insipid comments and the circus plays on.
I know this won't change and all I'm doing is blowing off steam and hot adjectives, but I truly wonder if anyone else is tired of this act or if we're still a public that gets off on watching these clowns.The clowns being OJ and the media. It's tough to separate the face paint here.
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1 comment:

Stu said...

The Don Henley fans in your audience thank you.

To me, OJ is just someone the media believes people will always pay attention to (I also think he's a double murderer, but I digress). So whether you like or hate OJ, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, or any of the other pop culture creations, as long as you watch, listen, or buy People magazine, they'll keep feeding us the same tired crap wrapped in that day's package.